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Shire of Broome election: Desiree Male

Broome Chamber of Commerce & Industry
2017 Shire Election Candidate Questionnaire
Name: Desiree Male Q. Describe in your own words the core function of the Shire of Broome?
On one level the core function of the Shire of Broome is to deliver services to its residents. These services include waste management and removal, maintaini...

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Shire of Broome election: Mark Harris (Sharky)

Broome Chamber of Commerce & Industry 2017 Shire Election Candidate Questionnaire Name: Mark Harris - Sharky Q. Describe in your own words the core function of the Shire of Broome? In a Broader context, as one of Australia's three spheres of government is Local Government and is the sphere that most closely affects the...

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Shire of Broome election: Harold Tracey

Broome Chamber of Commerce & Industry
2017 Shire Election Candidate Questionnaire
Name: Harold Tracey
Q. Describe in your own words the core function of the Shire of Broome?
The most important function for the Shire, other than its administrative role, is setting the agenda for investment and economic growth. The Shire deliv...

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Shire of Broome election: Greg VanDam

Shire of Broome Election Questions Greg VanDam Q. Describe in your own words the core function of the Shire of Broome? The core valve is a strong customer service for the town of Broome this is achieved from some of the below points. Shire organisation with customers focus.
Safe environment to be maintained in the Broome shire area...

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Shire of Broome election: Graeme Campbell

2017 SHIRE ELECTION CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE Graeme Campbell Q. Describe in your own words the core function of the Shire of Broome?
To deliver affordable and quality Local Government serviceIn the first half of the 20th century the core function of the Shire was in the area of "roads, rates and rubbish". Since the 70's the...

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Malcolm Turnbull's crucial WA visit won't fix the GST — but sweeteners are on the cards

The last time Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was in Western Australia more than five months ago, the state election campaign was at its height. That visit was largely viewed as a disaster by senior WA Liberals who believed it was unhelpful to their campaign, with the state's low share of GST dominating the agenda and distracting from th...

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