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Singapore flights - book through Broome Travel Centre

Plans are well underway for the arrival of the first SilkAir flight from Singapore to Broome on Tuesday 22nd May and seats are already on sale for Broome residents looking to travel to Singapore. Due to the nature of these trial flights, all sales are to be made through a travel agent and they won't be available on the SilkAir website...

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Fiscal discipline helping with budget repair

The McGowan Government's progress in returning the State's finances to a more sustainable position is clearly evident in the financial results for the first six months of 2017-18.   The general government sector recorded an operating deficit of $701 million for the six months to December 31, 2017. This outcome is $744 million l...

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Meet the Makers of Allure South Sea Pearls

When Allure South Sea Pearls founders Bill Reed AM and Lindsay Youd speak of their craft and the timeless gems of nature they dedicate their days to, their faces light up.
As they explain the intricacies of their unique South Sea pearl jewellery pieces, or of their time spent in tranquil shores and exotic locales to source the finest pear...

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Kooljaman launches crowd fund campaign to fix catastrophic battery failure

Following their success at the Australian Tourism Awards, Kooljaman are now faced with a huge challenge to restore their power supply to ensure their viability into the future. Please read the below message and pledge your support. Who are we and why do we matter? Kooljaman is an award-winning, remote wilderness camp owned and run...

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Barton Deakin Brief: Changes to the National Party Leadership

Today the Hon Michael McCormack MP was sworn in as the new Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport. This Barton Deakin Brief provides a brief biography of Mr McCormack and an updated Ministry List for the Turnbull Government. Background
The Hon Michael McCormack was sworn in this morning as Deputy Prime Minis...

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Why every Aussie needs to travel to our country's North West

WHO said you have to travel to the other side of the globe to experience the natural wonders of the world? Some of the world's best kept secrets are right here in our own backyard. As Emilie Ristevski and Jason Charles Hill will tell you and they would know. The Australian photographers have made a living out of the wandering the worl...

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