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Rinehart, Chinese to buy cattle empire

Gina Rinehart has struck a $365 million deal with a Chinese partner to buy a majority stake in the Kidman pastoral empire that will make her Australia's biggest cattle baron. Mrs Rinehart's Hancock Prospecting and Shanghai CRED Real Estate Stock announced yesterday their flagged deal with S. Kidman & Co, which requires approva...

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Stedman Ellis: Why John Butler is off key over oil and gas exploration

JOHN Butler may be a very talented singer, songwriter and musician. But as an activist, he has a big credibility problem. You see, while he rails against Kimberley gas hubs and oil exploration in the Great Australian Bight, the truth is Butler owes part of his success to the petroleum industry. I don't expect him to acknowledge his debt...

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Teen runaway Sidney Kidman went on to own greatest pastoral holding

For any cashed-up businessman interested in the bright future of agriculture, snaring the prized ­Kidman cattle empire is akin to a small prospector seizing BHP Billiton. It instantly hands over control of nine prime cattle stations strung from Western Australia's east Kimberley across the Northern Territory's grassy Barkly Tableland...

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Cruise ship investment paying dividends

Broome Shire President Ron Johnston has welcomed news that the number of cruise ship passengers visiting Broome increased by 74 per cent in the past year, saying it showed that a $50,000 investment by the Shire of Broome was money well spent.  WA Premier Colin Barnett announced at the weekend that Broome was second only to&...

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Chinatown Cultural Centre investigation underway

Work is set to begin on investigating the feasibility of an iconic cultural interpretive centre in Broome as part of the Chinatown Revitalisation Project. The $12.6 million Chinatown Revitalisation Project, made possible by $10 million through Royalties for Regions Regional Growth Plan initiative, $2 million from the Shire of Br...

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Working Together for West Kimberley's Graduating Students.

As graduation for many Year 12 Students through the West Kimberley draws closer, for many of 2017 students it can be the time when reality strikes school is over and it's time to find a job. Less than half of young people finishing school go on to university, some of our young people will already have secured their place within the local wor...

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