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Cotton and grain high on the KAI radar

THE Kimberley Agricultural Investment company plans to move into cotton and grain, as further scale proves difficult to acquire and sorghum prices remain flat. Read More... Source: Photo: Kimberley Agriculture Investments chief Jian Zhong Yin on the company's land in the Ord River Scheme. Picture Colin Murty ...

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45th Parliament sits for first time today: a message from Malcolm Turnbull

"Today, the 45th Parliament sits for the first time. This will be a term of delivery for the Australian people. "This week, the Government will introduce a large number of bills into the Parliament that deliver on our plan for a stronger economy. "The Australian Building and Construction Commission and Registered Organisat...

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Spring rain for Australia's north to hold cattle prices high

Australia's north is forecast to receive above average rainfall over the next three months, the country's weather bureau said on Thursday, boosting cattle herds. The continent's tropical northwest has at least a 60 percent chance of above average rainfall from September to October, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology said, wi...

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Ancient indigenous art back in vogue

For Daniel Walbidi, the art centre at the Kimberley coastal settlement of Bidyadanga, a two-hour drive south of Broome, is more than a place where people can paint. "It is is a learning place where you also learn about the culture and the history," Walbidi says. "It is a store house for the artists, a safe place to be and it b...

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Kimberley's Jub Clerc among ScreenWest's Feature Navigator recipients

Jub Clerc is among three WA Directors named recipients of Screenwest's latest Feature Navigator round, a year-long initiative designed to develop local filmmakers.   Clerc is a Nyul Nyul/Yawuru director from the Kimberley with several shorts under her belt, one of which formed a chapter of Tim Winton anthology The Turning. &q...

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Catherine Marriott takes role with CRC Northern Aust.

On the day she was elected with two other councillors to the Shire of Broome, Ms Marriott announced she was resigning as chief executive of the Kimberley/Pilbara Cattlemen's Association to take on another high- profile role in January. Her new position as WA project manager with the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern A...

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