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Jabirr Jabirr with no economic base as Goolarabooloo ruled not 'traditional owners' of JPP

An Aboriginal group that became the public face of a celebrity-backed fight against Woodside Petroleum's now-abandoned $45 billion plan to build a gas hub at James Price Point near Broome have been found not to be traditional owners. High-profile members of the Goolarabooloo people commanded headlines in a do-or-die battle with the oi...

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Fitzroy River future a cocktail of competing interests

The Kimberley's peak native title organisation has "grave concerns" about a proposal to excise part of Gogo Station and convert it to freehold title. The station is about 11km south of Fitzroy Crossing and is the subject of a public environmental review for a project aiming to grow 4335ha of fodder for cattle. Read More....

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New alcohol restrictions to threaten tourism in East Kimberley, business owners say

New liquor restrictions that will see daily limits on take-away alcohol purchases halved in the East Kimberley have been welcomed by a local Aboriginal organisation, but criticised by local business owners who say it will impact tourism in the region. Alcohol purchases in Wyndham and Kununurra will be cut to one carton of full-strength beer,...

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Restrictions tightened to one carton a day in Kununurra

New liquor restrictions will be enforced in Kununurra and Wyndham starting next month for takeaway products. From December 4 customers to Gullivers Tavern, Kununurra Hotel, Lake Argyle Inn and Vagg's Liquor in Wyndham will only be able to buy one carton of full-strength beer, three bottles of wine or a bottle of spirits. Currently...

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GST hearings held in Perth

The GST system can be reformed immediately to equalise to the average without any state being worse off over the forward estimates if the Federal Government commits $5 billion over three years in top-up payments. This is the recommendation outlined in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA's (CCI) submission to the Productivity Commissi...

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Red tape hold-ups

Red tape is stifling millions of dollars of potential investment and jobs in the Kimberley on farms and stations. The accusations were levelled by two of the region's premier business organisations in submissions to a Federal inquiry into environmental red tape. Examples of land tenure issues in the East Kimberley Chamber of Comme...

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