Aboriginal Procurement Policy launched at Aboriginal Business Expo

Written on the 6 April 2018

Aboriginal Procurement Policy launched at an Aboriginal Business Expo, where 64 Aboriginal businesses are showcasing their goods and services to government agency buyers
Policy will require all government agencies and Government Trading Enterprises to award one per cent of contracts to registered Aboriginal businesses from July 1, 2018
Finance and Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt today launched the State's first Aboriginal Procurement Policy at an Aboriginal Business Expo at Optus Stadium.

From July 1, 2018, government departments will be required to award one per cent of contracts to registered Aboriginal businesses, with this target increasing to two per cent on July 1, 2019 and three per cent on July 1, 2020.

The targets will apply to all government agencies and Government Trading Enterprises when purchasing goods, services, community services and works.  The reporting of results of the policy will be publicly available on an annual basis.

The Department of Finance has undertaken extensive consultation with stakeholders on the implementation of the policy, and will roll out a targeted education and training program, ensuring government departments and Aboriginal businesses alike can maximise the potential of the policy.

Comments attributed to Finance and Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt:

"The State Government is a major employer, investor, and purchaser of goods and services in Western Australia. Our Aboriginal Procurement Policy aims to leverage these roles to create opportunities for contracting with Aboriginal businesses, and should by extension create more employment opportunities for Aboriginal people.

"Today's expo provides a unique opportunity for the Aboriginal business sector to showcase the range of quality goods and services available to government, and to build and strengthen business relationships.

"The benefit of contracting with Aboriginal businesses can extend beyond the successful delivery of contracts, by not only improving the economic prosperity of those involved in the Aboriginal business but the broader Aboriginal community as a whole."


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