Alfresco Dining in Broome

Written on the 14 July 2016 by Lana Reed

Plans for alfresco-style dining with outdoor trading, entertainment and a licensed area for the sale of alcohol on Dampier Terrace are in doubt following a meeting between Chinatown traders.

The Shire of Broome has supported a proposal from the Chinatown Stakeholder and Community Reference Group to close Dampier Terrace for a three week trial period between 10am and 5pm Monday to Friday from August 1-19.

A number of traders voiced concerns over a lack of consultation, the street closure, parking, event and the length of the trial, loudness of street music, and the loss of the town bus service along Dampier Terrace during closure times.

Attendees decided to go with a suggestion from Broome Chamber of Commerce and Industry vice president Andre Veder for the BCCI to consult businesses and report back to traders some time next week.

Shire deputy chief executive Sam Mastrolembo told the meeting councillors had passed a resolution for the trial and said the item may have to return to council for reconsideration.

Click HERE to read more.

Source:  The West Australian - Regional

Author:Lana Reed

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