Australian Wildlife Conservancy sells Charnley River cattle to Kerry Stokes in sublease deal

Written on the 11 April 2017

The Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) has subleased a part of Charnley River Station in the Kimberley and sold the station's Brahman cattle to the Kerry Stokes-owned Australian Capital Equity (ACE).

The AWC has been managing Charnley River since 2011 and described the deal with Mr Stokes as "the first significant deal of its kind between a conservation organisation and a major pastoral company".

In a statement, Mr Stokes said the size of the herd on Charnley River would be reduced to "sustainable levels".

He also said a "major fencing program will restrict the herd to less than 20 per cent of the property, excluding cattle from key river systems and areas that are important for endangered species like the northern quoll".

Mr Stokes already has a significant interest in the Kimberley cattle industry with his company owning Napier Downs and Mt House Station along the Gibb River Road.


Source: ABC Rural

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