Building changes improve bushfire safety

Written on the 13 February 2016

Building changes improve bushfire safety

An information session will be held Wednesday 24 February to explain State Government changes to planning and building rules aimed at improving bushfire safety.

The new State Map of Bushfire Prone Areas includes parts of the Broome Shire and brings changes to requirements for planning and building approvals.

These new requirements come into effect on 8 April 2016 and may require new developments to undertake Bushfire Attack Level assessments and comply with the bushfire construction requirements of the Building Code of Australia.  

The Shire of Broome will host an information session for businesses and interested community members on Wednesday 24 February from 3-4pm at the Shire Administration.

To attend, please RSVP to by 22 February.   

Media Contact: Shire of Broome Administration, (08) 9191 3456 

Source: Shire of Broome

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