Cable Beach Rd East Development Proposal: Yawuru seeking expressions of interest

Written on the 1 August 2016

Cable Beach Rd East Development Proposal: Yawuru seeking expressions of interest

Nyamba Buru Yawuru is seeking investment from interested parties in a commercial property development at the corner of Cable Beach Road East and Gubinge Road at the end of the airport runway.

NBY wants to use its 7 hectare freehold property to develop a Broome Homemaker Centre where businesses could build or lease showrooms and large bulky good retail space.

Yawuru would like to see a major hardware retailor build a store on the property. It would also be ideal for a service station, car wash and white goods and furniture retailers.

The Broome Shire Council voted to give in-principle support for Yawuru's proposal at its May meeting.

For further information contact NYB at 9192 9600.

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