Chamber Delivers Christmas Cheer

Written on the 13 December 2016 by Lana Reed

Chamber Delivers Christmas Cheer

Thank you to all the businesses who donated children's toys at the Chamber's Christmas party.

We were humbled by the extraordinary kindness, with dozens of toys delivered to the women's shelter and two pallets of brand new balls from Toll Mermaid which went to the PCYC.

The presents have now been delivered!

This year the Chamber chose two organisations in Broome which are doing great things for disadvantaged kids.

Broome Youth and Families Hub.

They have a range of programmes for different age groups including a Drop in Centre, Chill Out and Mums and Bubs sessions. 


Women's Refuge Centre on Crocker Way.

After visiting the ladies in the refuge centre, I must say I walked away with profound respect for the work that goes on there and saddened that we even need a service like this in the first place!

They are full most nights...and Christmas time is there busiest time of the year!  

There rooms are full of women who have been beaten up by their partners, often with their children who have witnessed the whole thing.

The Women's Shelter relies on donations to keep going and we hope that everyone will consider how you could make someone's Christmas that little bit special this year for families in need.

The refuge centre is in constant need of food, clothes, toys, blankets etc.  If you can donate at any stage during the year, then please call Rowena on 9193 6698.


Thank you for your donations!  We look forward to spreading Christmas cheer again next year.

Author:Lana Reed

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6 Napier Tce
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WA 6725

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