Chinese company set to become WA's biggest landholder after farm deal

Written on the 25 April 2016

Chinese company set to become WA's biggest landholder after farm deal A Shanghai-based company taking Australian Rules football to China is poised to become WA's biggest landholder after signing deals to buy stations in the Kimberley and Goldfields and farms on the edge of the Wheatbelt.

The Shanghai CRED investment around cattle production in WA is separate to its big stake in the winning $370 million offer for the Kidman cattle empire.

Shanghai CRED has bought Yakka Munga and Mt Elizabeth stations in the Kimberley through Australian operating arm Shanghai Zenith.

It will also own Mertondale, Riverina, Perrinvale, Clover Downs, Jeedamya, Melita and Kookynie stations in the Goldfields, subject to approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board and WA Lands Minister Terry Redman.


Source: The West Australian

Image: An aerial muster at Yakka Munga Station in the Kimberley. 

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