Comment sought on huge North Kimberley marine park plans

Written on the 17 February 2016

Comment sought on huge North Kimberley marine park plans

A draft plan to create Western Australia's largest marine park has been released for public comment by the State Government.

The proposed North Kimberley Marine Park will cover 1.8 million hectares, stretching from York Sound, north-east of Derby, to the Northern Territory border.

Eight sanctuary zones will be set up, covering about 21 per cent of the park to protect critical habitats for marine species.

Another eight special purpose zones, 12 per cent of the park, will be set aside for recreation and conservation, with another 2 per cent zoned for cultural heritage.

About two-thirds of the park will be available for general use.


The North Kimberley is the last of five marine parks proposed by the Government for the state's north.

Funding for the park was announced in 2013, when plans for an expanded Great Kimberley Marine Park were unveiled.

The first park, Camden Sound, was created in June 2012, followed seven months later by another at Eighty Mile Beach.

A similar plan for Roebuck Bay was released in June last year, and another for Horizontal Falls in October.

The North Kimberley draft management plan will be open for public comment until May 20.

source: ABC

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