Community Safety Working Group working towards safety planWritten on the 7 March 2016
The Shire of Broome Community Safety Working Group is continuing to work towards a Community Safety Plan.
The Working Group brings together the Shire, Police, BCCI, Nyamba Buru Yawuru, Liquor Accord, Kullarri Patrol, Broome Youth and Families Hub, taxi serices, Broome Visitor Centre, and Broome Regional Hospital.
Chairperson and Broome Shire Councillor Mala Croft says the main aim is to develop a Community Safety Plan to access funding for major initiatives.
Ongoing changes are also being emplemented such as lighting Male Oval overnight and negotiating to move the Kullarri Patrol pick-up location.
Brome Police Officer in Charge, Sen. Sgt Brendon Barwick says they continue to address alcohol-related anti-social behaviour.
"Police are maintaining a no-tolerance approach to street/park drinking - persons found illegally drinking alcohol in Chinatown ad surrounds will have the alcohol destroyed, including any unopened containers police believe will be illegally consumed," Sen. Sgt Barwick says.
"Operational officers report that the initiative of moving the Kullarri pick-up oint from the service station area to the public toilet area, and lighting of the oval itself has decreased anti-social behaviour in general on Male Oval.
"In an effort to disrupt offending, Police continue to undertake high-visibility foot and vehicle patrols aimed at early intervention and disrupting unsociable and offending behaviour."
Broome Chamber of Commerce and Industry Executive Officer Jael Napper says several Chinatown businesses were surveyed earlier this year about how nearby anti-social behaviour impacted trade, and how to address the issue.
"Among the requests were to have a greater presence from Police with regular foot patrols and more lighting in Chinatown, and both have been implemented," Ms Napper says.
"Furthermore, applications have been submitted to fund CCTV - hopefully they wont be too far away.
"At the heart of all of our discussions is the fundamental right for everyone to go about their business in town without feeling compromised, while at the same time considering longer-term strategies to address the roots of this issue." |
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