Decision to grow Indian sandalwood paying off for Ord Valley farmer

Written on the 5 September 2016

Decision to grow Indian sandalwood paying off for Ord Valley farmer In the year 2000, sugar cane grower Paul Mock decided to plant five hectares of Indian sandalwood on his farm in the Kimberley's Ord Irrigation Scheme.

"My Dad put an Agnote in front of me of some research on Indian sandalwood, a crop I hadn't heard of," he said.

"The figures looked promising, even though it was a 15-year crop cycle.

"So we decided to give a small area a go and have a try."

Sixteen years later, Mr Mock's farm, which is now called the Sandalwood Sanctuary, is completely filled with trees crops, mostly Indian sandalwood.


Source: ABC Rural, Matt Brann

PHOTO: Paul Mock with harvested Indian sandalwood from his property near Kununurra, WA. (ABC Rural: Matt Brann)

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