Delegates shown region's potential

Written on the 23 February 2017

A delegation of industry officials from Singapore and Malaysia visited Broome earlier this month to look at investment opportunities in agriculture and tourism.

The visitors were hosted by Nyamba Buru Yawuru and were accompanied by John Hoon, the organisation's new independent director on the board. The delegation arrived on February 11 and spent the next day with NBY executives and managers.

During the trip the potential investors visited business ventures, including the gubinge plantations at 12 Mile and agriculture areas to show potential agricultural opportunities.

The group also went to Roebuck Plains Station where they toured the station, had a presentation on potential pastoral, agricultural and irrigation development as well as information about Yawuru's strong environmental and cultural management of the country.

The visit was followed by lunch and a helicopter tour showing off the extent and scope of the area and how it fitted into Yawuru's entire conservation estate.

In the afternoon, they met with other local stakeholders at the Shire to hear more about planning and opportunities for Broome's growth in a range of industries.


Source: Broome Advertiser

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