Exciting times ahead for Broome Turf Club members

Written on the 11 April 2016

Exciting times ahead for Broome Turf Club members

It's that time of year again time to renew Turf Club memberships and gear up for a great season of racing.

This year Turf Club Members will have special drink prices in their area, and will be allowed on the top deck on Opening, Ladies and Cup days.

Website now up and running as well as Facebook and will be updated regularly.

ENTERTAINMENT: Great entertainment acts lined up already. Starting with Broome's finest the Pigrams on opening day, Darren Reid and the Soul City Groove on Ladies day, and Tamworth artist Karen Page on Cup day.

STAFF: Paul Rossiter is the new Racing Manager/CEO. Paul was the CEO at the very successful Bunbury Race Club for 7 years and he is very enthusiastic about the Broome Turf Club.

TRACK:  Very experienced Industry engineers and track specialists are managing the track upgrade so it is in the best possible hands and should be finished on Anzac Day.

SPONSORSHIP: Mike Windle is handling this and already has quite a few new sponsors.  Opening day is full but if you would like to participate on another day or maybe have a tent for your
business or group please contact him on 0419 966 783.

VIP tent this year will serving MUMM champagne as well as wines, beer, soft drinks plus gourmet food, entertainment and all the luxury trimmings. We have had number of bookings already
so download your form and reserve your tickets in good time. Tickets Members $300 Non members $350.

FEEDBACK: The Turf Club welcomes any suggestions or feedback during the season on how they can make things better for you .

MEMBERSHIP:  Download the membership form or renew online at www.broometurfclub.com.au.

CONTACT:  Ronnie Jackson-Smith on 0417 963 869.

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