Green light for exciting Town Beach upgrades

Written on the 29 June 2017

Green light for exciting Town Beach upgrades

Major upgrades are coming to Broome's Town Beach with the Shire of Broome successful in securing grant funding from the State Government through Lotterywest.

Planned improvements include developing precincts for heritage, youth and nature play, terraced viewing for the Staircase to the Moon, a look out and memorial, and expanding the existing water park.

The Shire of Broome has allocated $3.4 million to the project and Lotterywest will provide a further $2.8 million, with work to get underway in the 2017/18 financial year.

The improvements are part of a Town Beach Precinct Masterplan drawn from the Old Broome Development Strategy that was produced following extensive consultation and input from the community.

The Masterplan covers the area stretching from Town Beach Café through to Catalinas and was developed with Yawuru Traditional Owners, the Broome Historical Society Museum, Water Corporation and other parties.

Broome Shire President, Ron Johnston, said that with the Chinatown Revitalisation Project already underway, developing Town Beach was part of Council's vision to link the two areas with a Jetty to Jetty Coastal Walk.

"Town Beach is a significant location for recreation, culture and heritage in Broome and these improvements will increase its appeal for locals and visitors," Cr Johnston said.

"The Staircase to the Moon draws thousands of visitors each year, the water park is hugely popular, night markets are drawing great crowds, and in addition we have the heritage and history of Indigenous culture, the Pioneer Cemetery, old jetty and Catalina flying boat wrecks.

"The Town Beach Precinct Masterplan will build on that support and enhance the experiences at Town Beach for our community and for visitors to our town.

"This is an exciting project and we are grateful to Lotterywest for its support for the Shire of Broome's vision."

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