Innovative solar trial to slash power costs in Broome

Written on the 1 November 2017

Innovative solar trial to slash power costs in Broome

A groundbreaking solar trial is set to revolutionise LandCorp's award-winning Broome North estate, giving participating residents greater access to renewable energy, more control over their energy use and significant reductions in their power bills.

LandCorp has partnered with Horizon Power to launch the Smart Sun pilot program, which will see a solar-powered micro-grid package offered to a limited number of existing and future households within Broome North.

The Smart Sun package can be purchased for a discounted price of $5000, which includes the supply and installation of solar panels, a storage battery and an inverter combined with smart appliances including air-conditioning, pool filtration and hot water systems.

LandCorp Chief Executive Frank Marra said residents would be able to track and manage their power consumption through an energy management system and mobile app, providing them with greater control over ongoing living costs.

"It is expected residents will save approximately 70 per cent off their power bills," he said.



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