Inquiry into regional airfares in Western Australia

Written on the 16 June 2017

It was announced in Parliament yesterday that Economics and Industry Standing Committee resolved to inquire into and report on matters relating to airfare prices on regular public transport (RPT) air routes in regional Western Australia.

In particular, the Committee will evaluate the:

a. factors contributing to the current high cost of regional airfares;
b. impacts that high-cost regional airfares have on regional centres- from a business, tourism and social perspective;
c. impact of State Government regulatory processes on the cost and efficiency of regional air services;
d. actions that the State and local government authorities can take to limit increases to airfares without undermining the commercial viability of RPT services;
e. actions that airlines can take to limit increases to airfares without undermining the commercial viability of RPT services; and
f. recent actions taken by other Australian governments to limit regional RPT airfare increases.

The Committee will report to the House by 28 November 2017. They are calling for submissions with the closing date for those being the 28th of July. This will be formally advertised next Saturday.


The members of the Committee are:

Ms Jessica Jane Shaw MLA
Mr Sean Kimberley L'Estrange MLA
Mr Yaz Mubarakai MLA
Mr Stephen James Price MLA
Hon. Donald Terrence (Terry) Redman MLA

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