Major systemic failings identified in Special Inquiry

Written on the 20 February 2018

  • Special Inquiry tabled in State Parliament shines a light on financial management of former government
  • The inquiry reported on the decision-making processes, accountability and culture of government under the Liberals and Nationals
  • Recommendations handed down to ensure future governments avoid the same mistakes and record debt and deficits are addressed over time

Special Inquirer John Langoulant AO today handed down his comprehensive report into the programs and projects of the former Liberal National Government.

The Special Inquiry characterises the former government's poor governance culture, lack of financial discipline and unsustainable spending decisions as the key factors behind the record debt and deficit created.

A total of 32 projects were examined in close detail, with all State Government departments required to co-operate with the Special Inquiry by providing access to relevant documentation as requested.

The McGowan Government broadly endorses the recommendations of the Special Inquiry and will begin an implementation program across government to address the key findings.

Premier Mark McGowan stated that Royalties for Regions would continue with a hypothecated account following significant improvements, including strengthening the governance and accountability of the program and a new rigorous oversight regime installed over the past year.

To view the report, visit


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