Midnight Basketball seeking sponsors to shoot for next month

Written on the 24 April 2017

Midnight Basketball seeking sponsors to shoot for next month The Midnight Basketball (Broome) program is hoping to shoot for a second year with a call for sponsors to help deliver the event in May.

Midnight basketball is aimed at the disadvantaged, at risk & hard to reach young people in our town- this includes those who are known to youth services as young offenders and those on the cusp of antisocial and other challenging behaviours which are impacting them in their day to day lives. There is a cap on numbers for the program to run effectively ( approx. 60 youth). The program will run on a Friday night from 6:30pm to midnight with all participants being safely transported home at the end of the night. The motto for Midnight Basketball is no workshop, no jumpshot.After a warm meal and between games the young people will participate in two workshops every Friday; Programs  which are aimed at increasing resilience, making better choices and healthy living.

The event utilises up to 20 community volunteers per week for reffing, scoring, bus driving, coaching and security for young people to engage with people from the wider community- to share and participate and increase their sense of belonging in the community whilst meeting new people and forming relationships with community members these young people wouldn't generally interact with on a day to day basis.

The committee are hoping to secure some small sponsorship from the Broome business community to cover some of the shortfalls in the budget and to ensure the program is run at its best, to optimize the potential success this program can have now and in the future  for these young people and for the wider community of Broome.

Committee member Charlotte Gjedsted said, "We would be most grateful to receive support from several individuals and/or businesses with sponsorship from anywhere between $500 to $3000. The Shire of Broome (local Council) are kindly providing their support as the body who will be auspicing the funds for the Midnight Basketball expenses generated for the program."

Businesses are encouraged to consider the enormous community benefits that are delivered through this event and contact the organisers should they be in a position to support through a cash donation.

Charlotte Gjedsted, 0431032949



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