Mike Nahan 'agreed on Rio, BHP levy': Brendon Grylls

Written on the 25 February 2017

Mike Nahan 'agreed on Rio, BHP levy': Brendon Grylls West Australian Nationals leader Brendon Grylls has suggested that Liberal Treasurer Mike Nahan privately backed a plan to raise $7.2 billion from iron ore miners BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, a move that would erase the cash-strapped government's budget­ deficit.

In a sensational claim, he also accused Dr Nahan of not telling the truth earlier this month when he threatened to resign as Treas­urer if the Liberals agreed with Mr Grylls to introduce the levy after next month's state election.

His comments will heighten tensions between the alliance partners and add fuel to Labor's claims that a re-elected Liberal-Nationals government will adopt Mr Grylls's contentious tax policy.

The Nationals want to increase a special lease rental on BHP and Rio Tinto from 25c to $5 a tonne on their Pilbara iron ore product­ion, arguing that the fee has not been increased since the 1960s.


Source: The Australian

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