Mining magnate Andrew Forrest named WA's 2017 Australian of the Year

Written on the 21 November 2016

Mining magnate Andrew Forrest named WA's 2017 Australian of the Year Philanthropist and mining magnate Andrew Forrest has been named Western Australia's 2017 Australian of the Year.

The Fortescue Metals Group founder and Minderoo Foundation co-founder received the honour at a ceremony at Perth's Government House.

Mr Forrest was chosen for driving hands-on philanthropy to support 250 community causes, as well as his work to highlight Indigenous disparity in Australia, and for drawing attention to the 45.8 million people trapped in modern slavery.

"We're just so lucky to be West Australian. We're so incredibly fortunate to be Australian. We should be fiercely and passionately proud to be Australian," Mr Forrest said.

"If we in Australia say we're not going to stand for any form of modern slavery, like we're not going to stand for any form of Indigenous disparity, then we're together, working together as individuals.

"As individuals we can make that difference, and I ask you to join me to make that difference."

Mr Forrest was one of four finalists for the award, along with breast cancer researcher Professor Arlene Chan, online education pioneer Dr Martin Dougiamas and paediatrician Dr James Fitzpatrick.

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Source:  ABC

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