Mitchell backs land use reform

Written on the 29 February 2016

Mitchell backs land use reform Advertising guru Harold Mitchell has hailed changes to WA's land use laws as a key to unlocking the value and productivity in pastoral leases covering 87 million hectares of the State.

Mr Mitchell, who owns three stations in the Kimberley and is loading $1 million worth of cattle for shipment from Broome this week, tipped a big rise in production based on more secure and flexible land tenure.

He is speaking at a conference in Perth tomorrow on economic development of almost 2.3 million square kilometres of land the State Government regards as underused.

More than 230 people will attend the Rangelands conference, which is sold out and has a waiting list. A major focus is the Government's move to rewrite the Land Administration Act to create a new form of ture known as a rangelands lease.


Source: The West Australian

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