More Aussie businesses become ATTs

Written on the 20 December 2016

More Aussie businesses become ATTs Since its successful launch on 1 July 2016, more than 380 Australian businesses have submitted an expression of interest to join Australian Trusted Traders (ATT).

In coming months, the economic benefits of ATT are likely to expand significantly with the signing of mutual recognition arrangements with key trading countries such as China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Canada and Thailand.

Mutual recognition arrangements enable Trusted Traders to access significant trade benefits, including a reduction in the regulatory burden, and faster clearance when exporting overseas.

In July 2016, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection signed its first mutual recognition agreement with the New Zealand Customs Service. It is anticipated that by 2020, this collaboration will have facilitated up to $3 billion in New Zealand imports to Australia and $7.5 billion in Australian exports to New Zealand.

Businesses interested in registering to become a Trusted Trader are encouraged to apply via the Department's website today to secure their place in the queue.

If you have any questions about the application process, please email

Source:  SBDC E News

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