Nationals' push for Western Australian rangelands legislation reform fails

Written on the 22 August 2016

Nationals' push for Western Australian rangelands legislation reform fails The WA Nationals' plan to reform the state's rangeland legislation has been put in the 'too hard' basket.

Lands Minister Terry Redman confirmed he had not been able to get changes to the Land Administration Act onto the cabinet's agenda for the spring sitting.

Mr Redman said the reform promised opportunities for pastoralists to diversify, particularly into tourism and environmental stewardship.

Controversially, the changes would have seen the Pastoral Lands Board dissolved and a new committee formed with representatives from tourism and conservation, Indigenous stakeholders, and only two or three pastoral representatives.

"I'm making the point that [the legislation] won't get through parliament in time to be in place prior to the end of this term of government," Mr Redman said.


Source: ABC Rural

PHOTO: (ABC Rural: Lucie Bell)

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