Nominations open for the 2017 Kullarri NAIDOC Awards

Written on the 20 April 2017

Nominations open for the 2017 Kullarri NAIDOC Awards Many Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders have made an enormous contribution to developing Australia's future.

Significant contributions have been made across all fields; music, art, community, culture, education, training, sport, employment, politics and many other fields.

If you know someone in your community who deserves to be recognized for their contribution then complete the nomination form for the 2017 Kullarri NAIDOC Awards to be held on Saturday the 1st July. In most cases, categories have been eliminated and the value of the nominee noted for their overall merit. However we have kept two categories, the Reconciliation Award and the Community Leadership Award. Concerning the remaining Awards, the NAIDOC Working Group will determine which contributions should be recognized and in what fields.

This is an opportunity for all of us to recognise the valuable contribution that individuals and organisations have made to the community so nominate those worthy people that give their all to the Kullarri community.


Entries Close on Friday June 16th 2017

The winners of the Kullarri NAIDOC Awards 2017 will be announced at the Kullarri NAIDOC Festival Awards Night to be held at Broome Civic Center on Saturday 1st July 2017.

Nominations should now be forwarded and CLEARLY be marked CONFIDENTIAL to: Lauren Newton or Kira Fong

Kullarri NAIDOC Working Group
Goolarri Media Enterprises
(08) 91 955 333
PO Box 2708
Broome, WA, 6725


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