Nursing studies supported by EEH facility

Written on the 7 June 2017

Nursing studies supported by EEH facility Inspired by her large family, her remote location and her kind heart, Amelia Chaquebor has chosen a career in health care. As a strong and passionate Kimberley woman, with Yawuru and Baardi Jawi family connections, she is no stranger to the remote communities and their issues, in particular the health issues.

Amelia is doing a Certificate IV in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthcare. Last year she completed her Cert III and once she has finished her studies this year she will be a qualified health practitioner.

Having a place to live in Broome where she can focus on her study has really helped her. Amelia is currently staying at Nyirrwa Murrgurlayi in Broome where she has minimal distractions and can focus on her studies.

"I grew up in Derby with seven brothers and sisters so it was hard to concentrate on my studies at home," Amelia explained.

"Nyirrwa Murrgurlayi offers me safe, affordable and supported accommodation so I can focus on my studies and my aim of being a nurse."

Being the eldest child and a caring and generous soul, Amelia helped out a lot with her younger siblings when she was younger.

"When I was about 12 I used to take all my younger siblings to school," she said.

"I made their lunches, cleaned, cooked them dinner and did most of the chores around the house."

A career in healthcare seemed like a natural progression for Amelia so it is no surprise she got into it straight away.

"I had my first job in the health care industry at 16 at the Derby Regional Hospital in reception," Amelia explained.

"I then did a traineeship there through my school which then turned into a full time position where I worked in the ward and did admin for the hospital."

Amelia's determination saw her go on to further her qualifications, including a health worker course. Once she completes her cert IV she has plans to further her education by studying nursing at university.

For now, she is enjoying placements in remote Kimberley communities where she is placed by Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service (KAMS).

"We get placed remotely and in Broome for a total of 500 hours of clinical work for our Cert IV," Amelia said.

"Last week, I was at Broome Hospital Emergency Department and my next placement is in two weeks time with Broome Community Health.

"I really like it because we get the chance to do a bit of everything."

The future is looking bright for Amelia with so many options now on the table. She is looking forward to sinking her teeth into her clinical hours and her study before getting back out to the Kimberley communities to help out her people.


Education and Employment Housing (EEH) program provides affordable and supported accommodation for people accessing employment, education and training opportunities.

If you know someone who is seeking accommodation and needs support to improve their work and life skills please give us a call.

Any single person who is a student, trainee or apprentice or is struggling to remain in their job is eligible.

Charges are based on income and capped so they remain affordable. They include support, meals and all household bills.

Our live in staff aim to keep apprentices and trainees in their positions by providing all hour support in safe, quiet and work focussed environment.

Contact us for more information, tour of the facility and application form.


Contact details:

Nyirrwa Murrgurlayi - Employment and Education Hosuing (EEH)


Ph: 08 9192 2840  FAX: 08 9193 7752

Mob: 0450 588 104 or 0428 030 147

PO Box 3422, BROOME, 6725 WA , 6 Bagot St. BROOME, 6725 WA

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