Quinoa boom in the Kimberley's Ord Irrigation Scheme

Written on the 23 May 2016

Quinoa boom in the Kimberley's Ord Irrigation Scheme A record number of farmers are growing quinoa in Western Australia's Ord Irrigation Scheme this year.

After a few years of successful trials, there are now several Ord farmers growing the so-called superfood commercially.

Christian Bloecker has planted 40 hectares, but admits there is still a lot to learn about growing quinoa in the north.

"We don't know if we've got the right variety [of quinoa] yet, or if what we're doing is even correct," he said.

"So we'll do what we think is best for the crop and when we go to harvest in August-September we'll find out then how it actually goes."

Mr Bloecker said Ord farmers are treating quinoa similar to how chia is grown in the region.


Source: ABC Rural

Image: PHOTO: Christian Bloecker is growing quinoa in the Ord Irrigation Scheme this year. (Matt Brann)

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