Written on the 6 September 2017

R U OK? Day gets celebrated around Australia on Thursday 14 September.

Access Wellbeing Services invites your organisation to support it!

One of the most important questions that you can ask your employees as a manager can also be one of the hardest.

R U Ok? Day evolved from a need to raise awareness around suicide and to have a conversation with someone if you are concerned for their wellbeing. These are very simple words to ask of employees, and colleagues, however often managers will tell us that they don't feel equipped to deal with the potential response.

The steps that Access Wellbeing teach is to - Ask, Listen, Encourage action and Check in.

The attached tips may help you to identify when and how to have a conversation with an employee, but also remember that every situation is different and if in doubt it's important to always speak with a professional.

EAP Counselling Brochure

EAP Counselling Poster

Tips finding a healthy work life balance

Tips for building resilience

Tips for how to have a conversation on R U OK Day

Tips for managing anxiety

Tips for managing depression

Tips for managing separation & divorce

Tips for managing workplace stress

Tips for setting and achieving your goals


EAP support can be accessed by calling Access Wellbeing Services 1300 66 77 00 or visit www.accesswellbeingservices.com.au.


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