Rangelands reform consultation paper available for public comment

Written on the 11 April 2016

Rangelands reform consultation paper available for public comment

The draft Land Administration Amendment Bill 2016 together with the accompanying Consultation Paper is now available for public comment.

These documents are available to download from the Department of Lands website www.lands.wa.gov.au

The Department of Lands is holding open public consultation session in Broome on for those interested in Rangelands reform and development on Tuesday 12 April at 2pm at the KDC office (corner Napier Terrace and Dampier Tce).

Where can I find a copy of the draft Bill?
The draft Land Administration Amendment Bill 2016 is available to download from the DoL website http://www.lands.wa.gov.au/Crown-Land/Rangelands-Reform/Pages/Land-Administration-Amendment-Bill-2016.aspx

Hard copies of the draft Bill will also be available to view at the KDC from Monday to Friday between 9am 4pm (except public holidays).

Who can I contact if I have any questions about the draft Bill?

The Department of Lands has a dedicated email address and phone numbers for questions about the draft Bill. 
Email rangelands@lands.wa.gov.au
Call (08) 6552 4439 or FREE CALL 1800 735 784 (Country Only).

How do I make a submission?
To submit your feedback to the Department of Lands, please use one of the following methods:
       Complete the online submission on the Department of Lands website;
       Download and complete the Public Comment Submission Template from the website and email it as an attachment to rangelandssubmissions@lands.wa.gov.au
       Download and complete the submission form, print it out and mail it to:
Rangelands Submissions
Department of Lands
PO Box 1143
West Perth WA 6872

Written submissions must be received by 5 May 2016 if sent electronically (email or via the electronic survey), or postmarked by 5 May 2016 if sent via Australia Post. Electronic submissions are preferred.

Persons making a submission are encouraged to include their name, company or organisation name, address, email and/or phone number.  This ensures that the Department can contact you if further information is required, or if a team member would like to discuss your submission in further detail. 

Should you wish your details to remain confidential, please inform the Department of Lands in writing at the time you make your submission.

Please note that all submissions will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992.

You are encouraged to take this opportunity to formalise your feedback on the draft Bill by making a submission during the public consultation period.

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