Regional Development Commissions refocus on local jobs

Written on the 11 July 2017

Regional Development Commissions refocus on local jobs New dedicated Local Content Officers in Regional Development Commissions will take the lead role in linking State Government regional contracts with local suppliers to create job opportunities in the regions.

Training for these officers will begin this month, with a focus on identifying opportunities for local supply to government agencies and ensuring local businesses are given the best shot at tendering for government projects. They will also report on how successful regional companies are in obtaining contracts.

Regional businesses and job seekers will also have easier access to information about State Government jobs and project tenders in their region, thanks to new portals on the websites of the nine Regional Development Commissions.

Regionally based businesses currently represent less than 20 per cent of total suppliers to government and receive less than six per cent of the value of government contracts.

Local Content Officers and online portals support the McGowan Government's election commitment to increasing economic development and employment across regional Western Australia through the Regional Development Commissions.

Comments attributed to Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan:

"A commitment to local content requires more than statements of intent - it needs to be backed with action. 

"We're taking steps to give some grunt to local content policies in the regions. Local Content Officers will ensure that smaller companies in the regions are not disadvantaged in the tender process just because they don't have dedicated procurement staff.

"We want to make it possible for regional businesses to compete for government tenders so they can employ more local workers, helping to spur job and career development opportunities in communities.

"We urgently need to drive more business to regional WA, and these projects are part of this Government's commitment to promoting economic diversity and jobs growth in our regions."

Media contact: Mark Scott 0437 170 385 or 6552 6200

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