Runway Bar's unique marketing strategy targets aero clubs

Written on the 1 March 2016 by Melva Stone

Runway Bar's unique marketing strategy targets aero clubs

It is no secret that businesses in Broome face many challenges not the least of which is the lack of customers in the wet season.  Cafes and restaurants are especially vulnerable and owners spend much of their time trying to find new ways to attract locals and visitors alike.

Creating a "point of difference" can be one way in which to develop a niche market and one Broome restaurant is working hard to do just that.

Being located in Chinatown, directly in line with the end of Runway 28 at Broome International Airport, gives the Runway Bar and Restaurant an opportunity to create a themed restaurant with the added benefit of the unique experience of aircraft flying very low overhead.  This experience has lead to the often - heard phrase "only in Broome".

Restaurant owners, Annalisa and Tex Kitchen are working hard on developing an aviation theme within the restaurant. Already there is a great collection of aviation memorabilia on display. The collection includes old photographs, airport signage, pilots log books and many other items of interest. Perhaps one of the most unique items is an old aluminum drink bottle clearly labeled "Pilot's Beer" we can only assume that means the contents were non-alcoholic!

Having a great theme is a good strategy, but the issue of attracting customers remains. In a bid to tap into a niche market, a library of books, which will appeal to aviation enthusiasts, is being created at the Runway.  An appeal has gone out to Aero Clubs, pilots and the general public for unwanted, suitable books, which can find a good home at the Runway Bar and Restaurant.

Once the collection is substantial enough, all Aero Clubs in Australia will be advised of this unique Restaurant and what if offers.  There is no stronger recommendation than "word of mouth". It is hoped that the efforts being made will attract people with an interest in aviation, to help spread the word about the restaurant and the unique Broome experience that it offers.

Melva Stone OAM
Published Broome Chamber of Commerce & Industry website March 2016

Author:Melva Stone

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