Shire calls meeting of Chinatown stakeholders to discuss Al Fresco dining trial

Written on the 8 July 2016

Shire calls meeting of Chinatown stakeholders to discuss Al Fresco dining trial

The Shire of Broome invites Chinatown traders and stakeholders to participate in an information and consultation session to enable input into a trial al fresco dining event in Dampier Terrace.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday 12 July from 5pm at the Shire's function room.

The Shire of Broome was approached to facilitate an al fresco dining event in Chinatown through the Chinatown stakeholder and Community Reference Group and officers have worked collaboratively with two members of the group to progress the concept.  

At the ordinary meeting of Council held 30 July 2016, Council resolved to support a trial al fresco dining event in Chinatown as per the resolution below:

That Council:

1. Supports an al fresco dining event in Dampeir Tce Chinatown between Napier Tce and Short Street from 1-19 August 2016, between the hours of 10am and 5pm Monday to Friday, subject to the following conditions (refer minutes for further detail).

All Chinatown traders are encouraged to attend the meeting.  RSVP to Tina Ellis at or phone 9191 3482.

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