Shire of Broome election: Greg VanDam

Written on the 18 October 2017

Shire of Broome election: Greg VanDam

Shire of Broome Election Questions

Greg VanDam

Q. Describe in your own words the core function of the Shire of Broome?

The core valve is a strong customer service for the town of Broome this is achieved from some of the below points.

Shire organisation with customers focus.
Safe environment to be maintained in the Broome shire area.
To build a heritage with land owners
Education and lifestyle opportunity for all people in the shire of Broome

Q. Describe in your own words the core function of a Shire Councillor?
The core fuction of a shire councillor,

Represent the community in all matters.
Strategic planning for a sustainable future
Represent ratepayers and residents.
Facilitating community participation
Determining the financial strategy and allocating resources in the council's budget.
Avocating on a broad range of issues in the shire of Broome

Q. In the Chamber's recent business survey, 53% of respondents said they do not believe that the Shire is small business friendly.  What do you think the Shire of Broome can do to improve conditions and support for local businesses?
Residents and the Broome ratepayer need to have confidants with the shire of Broome this will be achieved when the people can see the changes in Broome the percentage will rise in the future I'm certain this can be achieved it's like any other business that is successful it all to do with (Excellent Management)

Q.  It is expected that capital works on the Chinatown Revitalisation will be happening for a large part of 2018, what would you do to ensure that the local retailers are not adversely affected by the disruption in the peak trading periods?
This needs to happen and having the capital works now I can see all the business in china town be successful in future years.
If we keep putting off the works Broome will stay the same, we need a change and it's only a positive move for Broome and all China town business.
If it possible the majority of the major works should be done in the wet season this will have little effect on business in china town

Q.  What's your thoughts on the sealing of Cape Leveque Rd, and do you believe this will change the dynamics of business in Broome and the Dampier Peninsula?
This is what I'm pushing for, to open Broome up to the world and Australia.

Broome and the Dampier Peninsular are one of the natural wonders that Western Australia we all should be able to enjoy the natural beauty.
We will see International and Australian tourist come and visit Broome and the Dampier Peninsular for what it is, Tourists will visit and spend dollars which will help the communities and all business in the remote areas and the town of Broome.
This will have a flow on affect for all from employment to infrastructure and of course the tourist industry.
Broome need to push for tourism and this will be a main draw card for Broome it's a gateway to Western Australia and the Kimberley.
If it is managed correctly the environment and indigenous heritage will stay the same and we will be able to promote our indigenous culture for all to experience.

Q. With regard to Cape Leveque Road, what efforts would you like to see in working with Traditional Owners and alleviating red tape - having foresight to put measures in place to help fast track approvals when needed and creating more self-sustainable communities?

Broome has always been a multicultural community, we need to work together to preserve the land and manage it appropriately. Multicultural is a big part of Broome tourism, that why so many people visit Broome for that reason.
With land conservation and the traditional owners, the state government need to work together and Broome will succeed for the future.

Q. Where do you sit in regards to mining and tourism - How do you perceive the balance of these two industries; 50/50, 70/30, 80/20 etc?

Broome needs to focus on the tourism and what we have to offer to the world if we open our doors it will bring in the tourism and the flow on affect will be enormous.

I don't want Broome to become another Mining town but we do need Mining/oil and Gas.
We need to have some industry in Broome and at present we have the Browse basin this a positive for Broome business.
We must think about how we live, every item that we touch from day to day comes from the ground so there is an argument for the mining and fracking and yes if managed properly this may not be an issue.
My campaign is to push tourism and showing off Broome and for what a beautiful place it is, and if managed right our tourist can leave Broome and tell their friends and family that Broome is a place that they need to visit and as a resident we can hold our chins up high.
My thought it should be a 70/30 with the tourism in more favour.

Q. What's your opinion on economic growth and development of the future of Broome and the Kimberley?

No doubt there is a bright future for Broome and this can be achieved if we all work together and make the right decision for Broome and the community.
It's time for a change and Broome to go forwards we need to promote tourism this will have a flow on effect from housing to employment and to infrastructure that is needed to see Broome grows at a steady pace

Q. Do you have a plan (or ideas) for lobbying more support from state and federal government?

If I'm elected I will be lobbying for the state and federal government to provide more funding to promote Broome and the Kimberley as their number 1 tourist destination.

Q. On a personal level, why do you live in Broome and what do you love about the Kimberley lifestyle.

I've lived here for the past 20 years I love that Broome is an easy-going place.
It also has a vibe about it, in the dry season when it is electric, with so many nationalities coming to town that brings all people together so they can enjoy what Broome can offer.

In the wet season I enjoy it just as much with the big rains and thundery clouds Broome is a unique place and I can see myself living here for many more years and enjoy showing off Broome and the Kimberly to the world to see and to enjoy.
There is no other place on the planet that has what Broome can offer.

Q. What celebrity do you most identify with, and why?

Arnold Schwarzenegger    Reading his book when I was a teenager and i took some good knowledge from it one of the paragraphs was never gives up and work hard for it and you will eventually succeed (with the famous quote I be Back????)

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