Written on the 21 March 2016 by Melva Stone

THE PEARLER'S SHED HAS A FOCUS ON EMPLOYMENT FOR LOCALS In collaboration between Kimberley Group Training and the Kimberley Training Institute, unemployed people with an interest in the hospitality industry have the opportunity to receive training.

The Pearler's Shed on Dampier Terrace is a training restaurant, offering students the opportunity to learn, over a two-month period, nine of the units required for Certificates I, II & III in hospitality.  From that point, students are able to continue with further units at the Kimberley Training Institute to complete Certificate III & IV. Students accepted for the training come primarily through Kimberley Employment Services and Kimberley Personnel. 

Graduates from the course will be "work ready", with such skills as;
  • The Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate
  • Barista Certificate
  • First Aid Certificate
  • Hygiene in the kitchen skills
  • Life skills attendance, punctuality, communication, attitude
  • Money management
  • Reporting obligations to government (eg Centrelink)
In addition, students are given assistance in basic numeracy and literary skills.

Overseen by Craig Schaffer, Senior Trainer in Hospitality from KTI, the course has a good mix of both male and female participants. It also caters for the different personalities of students, endeavouring to develop front-of-house or back-of-house skill sets, as suited to each student. Site tours of local resorts and restaurants add to the experience of learning for the ten students participating in the current course.

Jack Chalmers SEE Trainer at Kimberley Group Training said, "We are very mindful of the fact that the hospitality industry in Broome faces the problem of an "unstable" workforce and the issues which arise when there are constant changes in staff. We are working hard to get as many local young people into our training as possible, in a bid to create job opportunities for them and to provide good outcomes for the hospitality industry here in Broome".

Representatives from local resorts and restaurants will be invited to a Gala Evening at the end of the course, in early April, where graduating students will showcase their new skills.  The BCCI will be partnering with KGT by reaching out to key businesses to attend as a way of increasing the prospects of employment for these graduates. 

If the food and service, which I was fortunate enough to experience recently at The Pearler's Shed is an example of the young graduates skills and the effectiveness of the training on offer, then it is clear that the concept is working and working well!

Melva Stone.

Author:Melva Stone

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