Thunderbird permitting update

Written on the 7 September 2017

Sheffield Resources Limited ("Sheffield", "the Company") (ASX: SFX) is pleased to update the market on Native Title and Environmental permitting processes for its 100% owned Thunderbird Mineral Sands Project located near Derby in northern Western Australia. The Thunderbird project is a "Lead Agency" project within the Western Australian Government Lead Agency framework.

As advised in Sheffield's ASX announcement of 19 June 2017, the Federal Court heard an appeal on 28 August 2017 in relation to the good faith determination made in favour of Sheffield by the National Native Title Tribunal on 22 May 2017. The Court has reserved its decision as is standard procedure, and a decision will be handed down by the Court in due course.

The Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority's (EPA) Public Environmental Review (PER) process continues, with the release of the EPA report and recommendations to the Minister for Environment anticipated in the near term.

Applications to commence Minor and Preliminary Work (MPW) have been submitted to State agencies and approvals are expected to be received in September 2017. MPW approvals enable agreed investigation works to be undertaken concurrent with environmental permitting.

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