Vacancy alert! Employment Related Accommodation for people learning work/life skillsWritten on the 22 August 2016 ![]() Do you know any single person who is struggling to maintain their job, training or studies because of unstable accommodation? Broome's Employment Related Accommodation (ERA) has vacancies. Nyirrwa Murrgurlai "house for the purpose of work" has been successfully managed by MADALAH since 2012 and offers a valuable opportunity for those transitioning into full independence by learning life skills alongside work commitments. For employers willing to engage an entry level position to an otherwise disengaged youth, Nyirrwa Murrgurlai is a valuable support to ensuring commitments in the workplace are being met with household supervisers positively supporting the individual in a home environment. Any single person who is a student, trainee or apprentice or is struggling to remain in their job is eligible to apply for the ERA.
Charges are based on income and capped so they remain affordable. They include support, meals and all household bills. Current vacancies at Nyirrwa Murrgurlai, Broome include 3 peremanent single rooms or one share room, with short term applications for one room. Nyirrwa Murrgurlai has live in staff who aim to keep apprentices and trainees in their positions by providing all hour support in safe, quiet and work focussed accommodation. For further information contact Community Support Worker Rebecca Harrison for a tour and to obtain an application form. Rebecca Harrison 0450588104; CASE STUDIES Francis moved to Perth to reunite with her young son maintaining her employment with a transfer. She completed her training and gained employment while with us and improved her savings, departing debt free and with new found confidence to manage life on her own and maintain her job and understanding better how to balance family and work. Lorenzo (pictured) headed south to Karratha for work after completing his training / work with the Mumabulajin Green Army team. Originally living in our Derby facility he transferred to Nyirrwa Murrgurlai Broome and continued to increase his reliability and understanding of employer's requirements. He learnt to budget and purchased a bike to be more independent and improved his fitness and health by building regular activities and connecting with other agencies and groups. |
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