Looking for information on regional development, data and prospects in the Kimberley?  The BCCI collates and stores all research and reports pertinent to the future prosperity of the Kimberley.


October 2016:  Broome Growth Plan - Strategy and Action Program (draft)

October 2016:  Broome Growth Plan Background and Context (draft)

February 2016:  Landcorp sustainability report 2014-2015

December 2015:  Tourism Western Australia Fast Facts Year Ending September 2015

November 2015:  The Future of Small Business: A vision for WA (CCIWA)

November 2015: Growing the North: Market opportunities for irrigated agricultural produce from northern Western Australia (Western Australian Agriculture Authority)

November 2015:  Delivering Better Government for the Regions (Regional Australia Institute Discussion Paper)

November 2015:  Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility Consultation Paper (Australian Government)

August 2015:  Shire of Broome Inward Investment Prospectus

July 2015:  Water for Food Key Aims (Dept of Water; Dept of Regional Development; Dept of Lands; Dept of Agriculture and Food)

January 2015:  Northern Beef Futures

2015:  Our North Our Future: White Paper on Developing Northern Australia (Australian Government)

2015:  Unlocking the Door: A Study into the Feasibility of Broome as the Commercial and Logistics Hub for the Kimberley Region (Broome Future Ltd)

2014:  2036 and Beyond: A Regional Blueprint for the Kimberley (Kimberley Development Commission)

2014:  Broome Tourism Strategy (Broome Tourism Leadership Group)

2012:  Statistics for Community Governance: The Yawuru Indigenous Popoulation Survey of Broome ( Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences)


The Chamber supports research from organisations or educational institutions of all size and levels for publication on this page.  

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Shell Australia's Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility left the Samsung Heavy Industries shipyard in Geoje, South Korea this morning, marking a significant milestone for the project. The facility, constructed by Technip Samsung Consortium, is being towed to North West Australia, where the next phase of the project will comm...

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